目前分類:電視電影感想 - My Tivo (17)

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  • May 16 Sun 2010 11:32
  • 林峰

最好知道他 應該是尋秦記裡的秦王了


後來的律政新人王 天涯俠醫 布衣神相 少年四大名捕 等等

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Transformers II - Revange of the Fallen (2009)

There are so many things said about the movie...I personally liked it. 中間有英雄想過正常人的生活 這好像是每個英雄角色必經的過程

但每每都會發現 其實是沒有甚麼選擇的 沒有甚麼好抱怨的 It is all destiny. It is all fate.

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I have to say, this season they do have talented people.

From the first episode, I do not like debbie at all.

I just don't like her.

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這星期六 我就看到賴銘偉拿到冠軍了

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  • Jun 05 Mon 2006 06:18
  • X-Men

 Well, I have to say, out of the three X-men movies, I thought the second is the best one.
I have to admit, I was a little dissapointed about this blockbuster movie for the following reasons:

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我一開始想看這片是因為主角是Colin Farrell and Al Pacino
他的劇情滿緊湊的 很多surprised elements

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Italian Job
但他是有一點像ocean's eleven

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This movie, what can I say, it is Tom Cruise
But he died at the end
I think this movie was a bit slow in the beginning

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One Hour Photo....變態 變態 大變態
可是人家是很沒種的心理變態吧 或是也可以解讀成有良心的心理變態吧
畢竟 他沒有殺人 也是很有良心的說

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If one does not know their future

Then their future is mystery and that gives hope

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I just finish watching residential evil...

I have to say, it is much better than the second one. I mean, the second one was like an action movie

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I have watched this movie a while ago.
Million dollar baby.
It is not surprising that all of the best movie are biographies.

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