
雖說去seminars的好處是增廣見聞 去看看外面的世界 別人在做什麼

但是 老實說 現在大部份的東西 都是已經published or going to be published or submitted/reviewed

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這裡 我真的是荒廢了很久

一來 真的是還滿忙的

二來 好像沒有甚麼有趣的事好寫

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自從畢業後 頹廢了一陣子 搬家 找房子 開始新工作

今年開始 因為想要省錢 然後又想要天然的東西

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因為最近有朋友來 所以閒來無事的計畫如何兩天把各大景點走透透

結果第一天紐約給我下了一天的毛毛雨 照相難照~紐約行程整個草草了事~很走馬看花


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2002大學畢業後 決定來一次環美之旅

說好聽是環美啦 其實是去看朋友

我是從Los Angeles (CA) ->Tuscon (AZ) -> Chapel Hill (NC)->New York ->San Francisco->Los Angeles

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可是 我並不覺得是件壞事

因為之前很忙者趕東西 所以OPT沒申請

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  • May 16 Sun 2010 11:32
  • 林峰

最好知道他 應該是尋秦記裡的秦王了


後來的律政新人王 天涯俠醫 布衣神相 少年四大名捕 等等

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The winter Olympics is just one amazing competition!

Testing the limit of human capacity.

All of them worked so hard to this point...

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做甚麼事 只要問心無愧

我相信 公意是站在我這邊的


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Transformers II - Revange of the Fallen (2009)

There are so many things said about the movie...I personally liked it. 中間有英雄想過正常人的生活 這好像是每個英雄角色必經的過程

但每每都會發現 其實是沒有甚麼選擇的 沒有甚麼好抱怨的 It is all destiny. It is all fate.

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自從有了他 我就荒廢了你

也不是說有甚麼大事發生 只是次次都懶得提筆

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Due to lack of a choice, I have comcast internet connection. Sometimes they are slow. Sometimes there is no connection (it just comes on and off).

So today, I turned on my computer in the morning, and there is no internet. I looked at the "local connection" window, it is not connected to the internet.

After an almost two hour talk with the Comcast people, here is my conclusion and steps to DIY solution.

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之前在孿生子的夏天看到這篇   【評論】百吻女有啥大不了?

一開始看完的時候 並沒有甚麼特別的感覺


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